Fund raiser for a pickup truck for Oleg
24 september 2024
Hello, dear friends!
I, Yuliya Kholenko, urgently need your help.
I’m launching this fundraiser to support my ex-husband Oleg, who serves in the 3rd Mechanized Unit, 214th Separate Special Battalion OPFOR, currently defending Ukraine on the front lines in Donetsk. Oleg and his comrades urgently need a pickup truck for their missions at the zero line of combat. The video not only shows proof of the fundraiser’s goal but highlights how crucial this vehicle is to keep them safe and operational.
This is my first time organizing a fundraiser, and I’m hopeful that together, we can make this happen—and quickly. I know many of you already support Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression, and I’m deeply grateful for that. Ukrainians have been enduring this hell for nearly three years, and your solidarity means the world.
I understand that the war’s toll is felt far beyond Ukraine, and that many of you are tired. But Ukrainian soldiers don’t have the option to get tired. They need our unwavering support. Every donation, no matter the size, makes a difference.
🚨Fundraiser Goal: €5,200 or UAH 244,400
Vehicle: Mitsubishi L200, manual transmission, 4 seats, diesel, with a set of 4 wheels and a canopy (kung).
The fundraiser is organized through charitable foundation “Пряма Допомога», with a representative I know personally and fully trust. The vehicle has already been located, and it will be delivered directly to the soldiers in Donetsk one week after the fundraiser ends, fully serviced and ready for use.
I kindly ask you to share this post with your friends and family. Together, we are stronger!
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